Steppers and Ballroomers Blog
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Learn to dance to Chicago Steppin dance like BOSS
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Dont quit your network Marketing business to soon
What I mean is I kept doing the same Thing over and over doing what my upline show me what to do, make a list of your Family and Friends and people you know I did that made the calls listened to all the excuses and reason why they shouldnt come,I put Flyers on cars handed out Business cards,hung around McDonalds talking to Talking about the Comp plan and how much money you can make in a month or a day you can make 1,000.00 to 5.000.00 a day This is the best business to join and dont forget about the memory jogger and the conference calls and the webinars and the 3 way calls and the start up cost some of them where pretty high 599.00$ 1200.00$ $299.00 and please not forget the AUTO SHIP evry month they will take money out of your Debit Card youll get your Potion and Lotions that nobody wanted to buy you become whats called Gargage Quailfied products that you had to use or give away if any of this shounds like you your not alone most people dont make any money and Quit the business. Let Me tell you about a guy name Michael.
Michael was so amazed when he got his new associate kit from the network marketing company he recently joined. He got smitten with the residual delight and dreams of accomplishment. Marketing his online mlm business on Facebook and Twitter, he tells everyone in his group of influence and they say no. He begins talking with folks in the local food court of the mall and he gets kicked out by security because someone complained about him. No one wants to sign up in his opportunity and defeat settles in his heart. Michael, a would-be entrepreneur, threw in the towel and quit his network marketing in sixty days.
It's a tragedy that Michael Washington gave up his network marketing career so soon. Like most would-be entrepreneurs, Michael was probably missing one or a combination of the following 4 tips to creating an online mlm business.
1. Faith. You either believe or you don't. Faith and fear can't comingle in the same body. You have to believe in yourself. Regardless the circumstances, know that you will succeed For example, partners that want you off the pc or not going to another business opportunity meeting, friends that don't encourage you, people that have never done this but think they know better and they're going to tell you all about why you will fail. Don't concern yourself about what everybody thinks about you and your online or offline MLM business. It's wasted energy.
2. Commitment: Primary thing that you have to be clear on day one and every day after that is that you are committed to this business and never, never, ever think about giving up. If your wife or husband, son or daughter wanted you badly in a situation wouldn't you do anything you could to help them? Of course you would because you're committed to your loved ones. It's that kind of commitment that will get you past the road blocks, walls and mountains (don't forget your climbing gear, lol) that will allow you to attain success in this wonderful industry of ours.
With more than 60 years of MLM Industry statistics, it's been proven that if you stay committed to and actively involved with one company for 10 years or more, you have a 95% probability of earning a significant 6 figure yearly income. So no quitting allowed. Stay committed regardless.
3. Focus: You've got your goals written out and pasted above your pc monitor, your bathroom mirror, the dashboard of your car (just kidding - I want you to live a long and blessed life to enjoy your residual wealth). What I'm saying is put your blinders on and don't let, email, American Idol, soap operas, or mlm product launches that keep happening every week distract you from your mission, which is to build a team, be a leader to your team and build significant residual wealth. Stay focus on your company and goals.
You?ve got to get educated. If you want to build your business on the internet, you had sure better learn how to do it in a cost effective, proficient manner. If you're going to do PPC advertising, become a MASTER at PPC. If you're going to do article marketing, become a MASTER at creating compelling content. Get educated.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Attraction Marketing System" border="0" /></a>
4. Marketing Strategy: You have to find one or 2 marketing strategies. Paid or Free strategy and commit to that strategy until it produces a minimum of 10 consistent daily leads per strategy. Are you comfortable making videos and syndicating them online? Master it. Do you have a love for writing? Write articles or reviews and submit them to article directories and master that strategy. Have money to advertise? PPC is the way to fast traffic and quick list building, master it. Find a strategy that fits your personality and commit to it until that strategy produces 10 consistent leads a day.
Pull out your checklist
Faith - check
Commitment - check
Focus - check
Marketing Strategy - check
Now don't STOP until your online mlm business is producing, consistent, quality, targeted leads on a daily basis and your prospecting with tremendous confidence that you will succeed in this fantastic industry. It is never a matter of if you will succeed but when YOU WILL SUCCEED. Never compare yourself with others that are having faster mlm success than you. Be happy for them and move on and focus on the ripple that forms into a Tsunami.
How to promote your event on facebook free e-book training
I am a promoter for parties and Events on facebook.I use facebook to promote my Ballroom dance lessons In Flint michigan.There is alot of promoters in Flint Michigan and alot of competItion to get someone to come to your Event,we pay graphic Designers 1000`s of dollars a week to make flyers for us,then we go the the party stores and the dollars stores and put them on car windows and we spam everybody on facebook about what we got going on,then the night of the party nobody shows up, you stand there looking stupid and wander why nobody came,You did the same thing you been doing whats the problem.The problem is that you was never train how to market your biz you just do what everybody else is doing,You can`t keep repeating the same thing and expecting different results. I have been studying Attraction Marketing and Relationship marketing with a company name MY LEAD SYSTEM PRO.This system teaches.

Friday, October 22, 2010
Are you struggling in you online mlm network marketing
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How to get more leads from your marketing Opportunity Business
Burnout as a Nursing Assistant
Those who decide to pursue a career in the medical field as a Nursing Assistant set out to show compassion and help others. Their hearts are in the right place, but they may soon find their minds and bodies suffering from burnout. This is the result of continually feeling like you can’t meet your work requirements. Soon you find you are completely drained and exhausted due to feeling overwhelmed. Often, the result is losing the motivation that lead you to take on that role in the first place.

The stress of burnout on a Nursing Assistant can lead to problems with their health as well as lead to depression. Often, they either quit their job or they are fired. This leads to financial difficulties and many times issues in their relationships. Nursing Assistants report burnout in their profession is common because they are overworked, unappreciated, confused about work expectations and priorities, worry about job security, they are overwhelmed by the number of responsibilities, and they do not feel their pay is sufficient for the amount of duties that they are required to perform on an ongoing basis.
It is important that Nursing Assistants understand burnout, and the havoc it can reap in their professional and personal life. Understanding what burnout is, why it happens, and the signs of it can help Nursing Assistants deal with the situation before it spirals out of control. The first step in avoiding burnout is to take care of yourself physically and emotionally.
Signs you are experiencing job burnout or soon will be include no longer finding enjoyment in areas of your job you once really liked, becoming cynical or bitter about your job, and you are starting to experience problems in relationships with co-workers, friends or family as a result of the conflicts of your job.
Other important signs to watch for are looking for excuses to not go to work, calling off or asking to go home early on a regular basis, becoming easily annoyed with co-workers, envious of those who do enjoy their work, and not caring if you do a good job or not. It is likely you will start to experience physical and emotional exhaustion.
Being a Nursing Assistant can be stressful. However, stress and burnout are different. They are often confused because they signs and symptoms of the two are very similar. The defining factor is stress comes and goes, so the signs and symptoms do as well. With burnout, the feeling doesn’t go away, so the signs and symptoms linger ongoing.
As a Nursing Assistant, you can’t eliminate stress, but you can help control and reduce the effects of it. It is important to get plenty of rest and take care of yourself. Since most of us stretch ourselves too thin with too many commitments, see if there are areas you can cut back in. If you have solutions to issues at work, write them down. Ask to meet with your supervisor. Explain the problems, then offer solutions. This will show that you are interested in resolving the issues rather than just complaining.
It is very important to take time for yourself. Relax with a warm bath or read a good book. Too often we take care of everyone else’s needs at work and at home, leaving nothing of ourselves for us! Since the healthcare profession is the top contender for employees suffering from burnout, Nursing Assistants need to really take head of this advice and put it to good use early on in their career. This will help ensure they continue to enjoy their work, offering patients the best possible care.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
A Charitable cause that pays you to GIVE Xango Goodness meal Pac
Monday, October 18, 2010
Learn to get mlm online leads for 1 dollar 30 day trail
Stop Struggling in your MLM. You now have a choice!
Free Leads / Free Training
We`re all do the twitterdance and facebookdance lets lead again.
We`re all do the twitterdance and facebookdance and the your nite thing to get leads for our mlm online business
its time to do what wife Sweetlorene did she started to do what facebook and twitter is doing.
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