Steppers and Ballroomers Blog

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

How do I fix my Credit?: Are Student Loans Becoming Necessary Evils?

How do I fix my Credit?: Are Student Loans Becoming Necessary Evils?: When it comes to getting a college education most people can agree that the costs can be staggering at best. Even the least expensive co...

Vacation And Credit Cards

 Vacation And Credit Cards

Each and every year, many of us go on vacations.  Vacations are a great way to relax, and get away from the everyday pressure of life.  Over half of all American families take their vacation between April and September, meaning that they spend a lot of money on travel.  Whether it’s international or domestic travel, you can spend a fortune before you actually realize it.
As we all know, traveling with cash or checks isn’t always a wise decision.  Renting cars, flying in airplanes, or checking into hotels is a much easier task if you have a credit card.  Even though you may decide to use your credit cards for big purchases only, you’ll find that the traveling experience will be a much smoother process.  

Unlike cash or checks, credit cards make handling your documents and receipts much easier.  If you purchase something, records from that purchase will be made with your credit card manufacturer, which you can always fall back on if something happens.  Things can go wrong without notice, so you’ll always want a backup plan or something to have as proof in the event of a disaster.  With a credit card, all you need to do is look back at your statement and you’ll find everything that you purchased in one easy to find location.
Credit cards are also much easier to handle and keep track of than cash.  If you decide to go to a theme park or a resort, you’ll find that cash can be a bit bulky to handle.  Carrying a large amount of cash can be hard to keep track of, even though it isn’t recommended.  Credit cards use up less space, and you can keep them in your pocket.  When you need to pay for something, you don’t need to count through your cash, simply hand over your credit card and sign your receipt.

If you don’t have any credit cards, you can always get them for vacation purposes only.  There are many benefits to having credit cards, besides the fact of them being easier to keep track of.  There are many different credit cards out there to choose from, including those that will give you cash back or rewards when you make a purchase.  Cash back is normally a small percentage of what you spend, and is given to you at the end of the month.

Some credit cards will give you reward points for every dollar you spend, which can be redeemed with several merchants offering a variety of products.  Although cash back is always a great thing, many people find reward cards to be just as good.  You can enjoy your vacation, buy just about anything you want, and know that the money you spend will help you to buy other things that you may need when your vacation is over.  Actually, can you think of this as having your cake and eating it to.

All in all, credit cards can make your vacation easier than ever before.  You can earn rewards and cash back with purchases you make using your card.  Although you may think cash is the preferred way to go, there are several merchants who actually prefer credit cards.  They are more professional, and easier for you to handle than cash or checks.  They are easy to obtain as well, providing you have good credit.  If you don’t have a credit card, you should look into getting one before you take your next vacation.  All you need to do is look for your favorite company online and apply through their website - you’ll normally receive a response in a matter of minutes.

Are Student Loans Becoming Necessary Evils?

When it comes to getting a college education most people can agree that the costs can be staggering at best. Even the least expensive colleges in the nation can add up over a four or five year period of time creating crippling debt for those who do not qualify for some of the better grant programs of substantial scholarships. 

The problem lies in the fact that the parents of most traditional college students make too much money to qualify for the free financial aid that is needs based and very few qualify for the limited number of scholarships that are available to students based on merit. Even among those that qualify competition and fierce and there are no guarantees. Enter the student loan. There are all kinds of student loans and unfortunately with rising costs associated with college attendence and the growing necessity of a college degree for success in this country it is becoming more and more difficult to pay the price that is associated with higher education.

There are three types of loans that are commonly found for college students. They include federal student loans, federal plus loans, and private student loans. Each type of loan has advantages and disadvantages that are unique to that particular loan. Below I will give a little information about each of the loan types and whom they may benefit. 

Student loans. There are three different types of student loans: subsidized, unsubsidized, and Perkins loans. 

Perkins loans are only available to students who display exceptional financial need. These loans are available at a 5% interest rate and are available to both graduate and undergraduate students. Perkins loans are extended through the university you attend and will be repaid to the university unlike the other types of student loans, which are repaid to the lending agency.

Subsidized student loans are loans in which the interest is deferred until graduation or you cease to be a qualifying student.  What this means is that while you are responsible for repaying the loan upon graduation the interest on these loans does not begin to accrue until your begin repayment 6 months after graduation or your cease to be at least a half time student of the university. You must qualify based on your income in order to receive a subsidized student loan. While the needs requirements for these loans isn't as grave as those required in order to receive a Perkins loan you must still qualify.

Unsubsidized student loans do not require qualification on a needs basis. You must be a student and enrolled at least half time in order to receive an unsubsidized student loan. The good news however for those who do not qualify based on needs for other student loan options is that this type of loan is available to all qualifying students regardless of need. The interest on these loans however begins to accrue immediately, which means they can really add up over time.
PLUS loans are loans that are taken out by the parents of students who need the funds in order to cover educational expenses. The maximum amount that can be borrowed is the cost of attendence minus any financial aid awards the student has already received. The repayment on these loans begins 60 days after the loan is dispersed and the repayment period can be up to 10 years.

In order to cover the costs involved in education that go above and beyond what the government recognizes as acceptable college related expenses you can opt to go the route of private student loans rather then relying solely upon federal financial aid for your student loan source. These loans require that you qualify in order to receive them based on your credit rather than your need and must be used for educational purposes only. With these particular loans you really need to make sure you read all the fine print as different companies offer different conditions and different perks. You should really take the time and compare prices and options before taking out a private student loan and this should be done only as a last resort.
Student loans for many can be the difference in attending college and getting the education you are hoping for and not being able to pay the high costs that go along with higher education. For this reason you should treat them with respect and not take them lightly.

Creating Best Online Business

There are many different ways to make money on the Internet but this article today will focus on one particular idea, creating the best online business. There are as many ways to make money on the Internet as possible but there aren't a great deal of tried and true methods that can work for different people. 

The method that we will focus on today is creating a website in a small but profitable niche. What all businesses come down to is finding and maintaining a strong and solid customer base that can constantly make them money. This is true no matter what type of business this is, Internet or retail. The only way that a company makes money is by attracting a solid base of customers and then building off of that. If you are able to build a solid base of highly responsive customers, you will have the opportunity to print your own money.

The first key in creating the best online business is to help you identify a niche that you can work in. this can be a bit tricky but you must make sure that it has a few characteristics. First, you will want the subject to be something that you are interested in hopefully. To truly create a website that people will want to keep visiting, you will have to have a great deal of information and different ways to keep them interested. You will probably need to be researching these topics quite a bit so a strong interest within the field will help you. Secondly, visit This website can help you generate ideas on what different areas are underserved. The author of this website, James Jackson, gives you niches plus keywords so that you know what to build your website around. 

That was great information but here is the rest quickly. You want your website to be built around those keywords so that Internet searches bring up your website among the first page of search results. By doing this, you can start gaining traffic to your website. By constantly writing articles, you can develop a repeat client base which you can begin selling to. Once you are done developing the website, you need some sort of product to sell. This is not necessarily something that you have to come up with. If you go to, you will find many different products that you can probably sell within your particular niche. You will get a share of the profits and the system is automated so that you just have to guide your clients over to that particular website and everything else is taken care of for you. 

If you decide and look into developing a newsletter then you can promote a product at the end of the newsletter, which could bring you in a great deal of money. This is where you can make some good money. Hopefully this article on creating the best online business will help you out. If you want to succeed, try this idea but keep testing as it takes great time and effort to become a strong and profitable website. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Deborah Taylor Financial Education Services

How do I fix my Credit?: Finances: The Importance of Staying on the Same P...

How do I fix my Credit?: Finances: The Importance of Staying on the Same P...: Are you a married or do you currently reside with your romantic partner?  If you do, there is a good chance that money is always a conce...

How do I fix my Credit?: Learn to dance to Chicago Steppin dance like BOSS

How do I fix my Credit?: Learn to dance to Chicago Steppin dance like BOSS: Everybody wants to learn to Chicago step its so much fun to do,Its like doing the bop and the swing,Tango all rolled into one.I love steppi...

How do I fix my Credit?: Being a Nursing Assistant can lead to a Career as ...

How do I fix my Credit?: Being a Nursing Assistant can lead to a Career as ...: Being a Nursing Assistant can lead to a Career as a Nurse A Nursing Assistant certificate allows you the opportunity to secure employme...

How do I fix my Credit?: 4 Great Ways to Learn to Dance the Bop with Boss.

How do I fix my Credit?: 4 Great Ways to Learn to Dance the Bop with Boss.: Dancing is something that many people enjoy not only as a recreational pursuit but also as an integral part of their fitness routine. D...

How do I fix my Credit?: Tackling Global Warming

How do I fix my Credit?: Tackling Global Warming: As we move towards the future, technology is developing rapidly to assist in solving our problems.  These problems range from simple i...

How do I fix my Credit?: Who is Barack Obama?

How do I fix my Credit?: Who is Barack Obama?: Who exactly is Barack Obama , and why does he deserve to be President?  Obama is a Democratic senator from Illinois, who is sitting as o...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How do I fix my Credit?: Tackling Global Warming

How do I fix my Credit?: Tackling Global Warming: As we move towards the future, technology is developing rapidly to assist in solving our problems.  These problems range from simple iss...

Monday, February 17, 2014

How do I fix my Credit?: Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign

How do I fix my Credit?: Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign: Who knew that the 2008 election would have the Democrats swinging two mighty powerful punches in such a short time frame? As a woman poi...

How do I fix my Credit?: Finances: The Importance of Staying on the Same P...

How do I fix my Credit?: Finances: The Importance of Staying on the Same P...: Are you a married or do you currently reside with your romantic partner?  If you do, there is a good chance that money is always a conce...

How do I fix my Credit?: Finances: The Importance of Staying on the Same P...

How do I fix my Credit?: Finances: The Importance of Staying on the Same P...: Are you a married or do you currently reside with your romantic partner?  If you do, there is a good chance that money is always a conce...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Boss wife can Belly dance

bigdeb get humped by striper

How do I fix my Credit?: Unemployment Rates

How do I fix my Credit?: Unemployment Rates: As several states are experiencing a fall in unemployment rates , the overall national average paints a bleaker picture, as it is starti...

How do I fix my Credit?: Who is Barack Obama?

How do I fix my Credit?: Who is Barack Obama?: Who exactly is Barack Obama , and why does he deserve to be President?  Obama is a Democratic senator from Illinois, who is sitting as o...

Tackling Global Warming

As we move towards the future, technology is developing rapidly to assist in solving our problems.  These problems range from simple issues, such as improving the quality of paper products to the advanced such as improving the quality of life and condition of our planet.  Global warming is one of the topics that many of our politicians all decide to sit around and talk about, without showing much progress, which is a cause of great frustration for peoples all over the world.  

Too often the politicians involved are too caught up with trying to prove their opponent wrong to actually improve the situation.  This causes further problems, and compounds the problem.  Each time the topic is revisited it causes heated discussions from members of parties who drive large expensive cars, which consume gallons of gas, and release large quantities of smog into the air.  No one wants to lead the way, and why should they?  Conservative politics pays their bills.

As the future is expanded into new and brighter horizons, there are developing ways of trying to help prevent the destruction of the planet.  These methods range from cleaner and gentler chemicals, to even the ideals of "green" power.  Car manufacturers are even getting into the swing of helping improve the planet by producing hybrid vehicles that are easier on the environment, use less gas, oil and other toxic chemicals, and have lower emissions rates.  All that's left is a major Western societal change, and a widespread recognition of the problems we are facing to change this situation.

The government is doing a great job of helping encourage manufacturers, by offering tax breaks and other incentives.  This is always wonderful to help reduce the emissions rates for vehicles, and slowly the tax incentives are expanding to allow other companies the same discounts and savings for switching to cleaner more energy efficient methods.  Is this a good thing?  Should the government really be encouraging this behavior?  Many say that yes, it should be encouraged and programs that encourage the use of cleaner power, and less environmentally hazardous chemicals should always be rewarded, especially since the cost of such methods and chemicals tend to be more expensive.

Normal taxpayers are not seeing the benefits of trying to go "green" when looking at their own budgets.  Many electrical companies are starting to offer "green blocks" of power which can be purchased, however these blocks are purchased in addition to the normal household power consumption, and do not allow discounts on the next months bill in exchange for the purchase.  Something seems a bit odd here, major manufacturers are encouraged with tax breaks and incentives to switch to cleaner methods, but millions of households are not.

It seems, a good step in the direction of correcting global warming, would be to create a program to help reward the small things that households could easily do.  That would save thousands, if not millions of watts of power each year.  This would reduce immensely the amount of power that is needed to be produced, and allow the power companies to help clean up large areas at a time, instead of just a few manufacturing areas which have fallen into disuse.

While it is a wonderful idea to clean up the smog-ridden towns, and reduce the energy uses, so that resources from the ground are not burned continuously in the pursuit of energy.  There are smaller things that can be done on a very large scale that would help reduce the amount of damage that is done to the ozone layer each year, and would greatly slow the damage that the human race is causing to our greatest asset, our planet.  It's not the burden of the government, nor is it the burden of the people.  We can all make the change, but it needs the collective of humanity to make the difference our planet so dearly needs.

Who is Barack Obama?


Who exactly is Barack Obama, and why does he deserve to be President?  Obama is a Democratic senator from Illinois, who is sitting as only the fifth African American Senator in United States history.  Couple that with the fact that he is currently the only African American serving in the Senate and you must concede that he is definitely determined.

Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996 for the first time, and since has served 3 terms there, including this term.  He tried a very unsuccessful run in 2000 for the United States House of Representatives.  He lost by a margin of 61% to 30%, and lost to four term incumbent Bobby Rush, whom was a former Black Panther.  It leads people to question, if he was unsuccessful at a House of Representatives bid, how is he going to be successful at a bid for the White House.

One major point which will likely help Obama is he won an endorsement from the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police for his support of gun control measures.  Coming in the weeks and months following the tragic Virginia Tech massacre, this one point may really pull him ahead of some of the other candidates for the election since so many families are feeling the brutal pain and faced with burying their loved ones.  Is this enough, will this one measure be enough to place Barack Obama in the White House?

this point it looks as if not, but that's not to say that Obama does not have his supporters, in fact he is in the lead as one of the 2008 Presidential hopefuls who has accumulated the most money so far.  Will this success rate hold out, it is really enough and does he have enough supporters to win this election?  At this point, Obama is leading the polls in the youth votes, with more young adults supporting him than any other democratic candidate.

Last polls showed that Obama lead the race with 35% of the 18 to 24 year-old crowd, with Hillary Clinton coming in at second place with 28% of the same age group.  While these numbers may not seem high, they represent thousands of people in the difference.  The 2006 midterm election saw a huge turnout of young voters, and analysts are wondering if 2008 will see another huge increase of youth voters coming out to express their opinion.

Obama is a relative newcomer to the political arena, especially the national arena which is a hard place to be successful, and battling Clinton is no small feat, especially since she has been a major political figure since her husband was elected President in 1992. But with all of Hillary's experience, can Barack pull ahead and win?  He has managed to pull in 104,000 donors for his election fund.  Will all of those votes actually manage to pull through and pay off at election time?


Will his stand on guns and his place in the youth poles be enough to move him towards the White House in a successful bid?  Time will tell as the Democratic hopefuls' battle it out in the political arena.  One thing has been clear, at this point Obama has made it clear he is not running for the number two slot on a ticket, he is running to win.

Unemployment Rates

As several states are experiencing a fall in unemployment rates, the overall national average paints a bleaker picture, as it is starting to slowly rise, causing an array of social and economic problems for the ordinary citizen.  There are more than 1.69 million Americans unemployed currently.  This number is awful and means that more Americans are slowly being put on state aid and draining society of invaluable resources which could otherwise be spent on education or health provision.  This strikes at the core of the budget for the states, which are spread very thin as it is across all the required public departments.

As the economy continues to be very shaky and with numerous major corporations going under due to mismanagement in recent years; there has seen a spike in the number of companies who are crashing on the stock market, meaning jobs have been lost and wages slashed.  Couple this with the fact that the inflation rate is rising, the minimum wage is the same, and you are looking at a very bleak outcome for the financial future of America and its people.  Something has to be changed now in order to reinvigorate our economy and our people.

Many people are able to enjoy comfortable lifestyles while many others are left with jobs that pay minimum wage, or barely over.  Many Americans are busy working 40 hours plus a week and barely struggling to make enough to cover the bare essential bills.  It is a tragedy the way the economy is functioning; with a great number of people getting richer, those who are financially struggling are continuing to struggle in a perpetual cycle of debt and poverty

The interest rates have hit all time lows, which has resulted in an enormous number of people purchasing their first homes.  This has increased the number of people moving from rentals to the homeownership world.  However, this has a price, owning a home is never cheap; the expenses must be paid somehow, and this is taking its toll on the already tightened purse strings of most Americans.

The biggest problems with the economy are the lack of jobs over all. There are several major companies all across the country who are being courted by cities all around for new plants and factories to be built in their area so that an abundance of jobs would be available.  These plants are few and far between, leaving the rest of the citizens without a job, and trying to desperately to grapple at the few minimum wage jobs available that offer 10-20 hours a week.  If more was done to encourage big business to provide work domestically, this would at least work some way towards improving the lives of many Americans.

How to overcome these problems is something that many politicians are faced with the task of on an almost daily basis.  The residents of their areas are forced to seek guidance and attempt to make changes for the better in order to improve the quality of life for everyone.  People are always seeking ways to improve and better the economy, yet one of the biggest economic flaws is the national minimum wage staying the same for so many years, while the inflation rate has steadily risen.

The issues of new jobs, better benefits, higher pay, and more hours are always brought up in almost every state at political executive meets.  Some states are in a very fortunate position where they are not forced to worry about the unemployment rates, they have managed to find a recipe for success and have lowered the unemployment rates to cater for the needs of their populous.  If the nation as a whole can lower the rates, we will be moving towards some much-needed economic improvement, and the knock-on social benefits this brings through reduced crime and improving quality of life for the citizens of America all round.

First Name


National Bubget

When the Senators, Congress people, and President all gather around to start discussing issues of the budget, many people get worried.  One of the biggest worries is that taxes will rise, and there will still be a deficit.  This worry is fueled each year, because as the inflation rate rises, the money must come from somewhere to fund everything that is necessary for the government to function.

Some are questioning how rational some of the spending is however.  Many departments could use a serious slim down, while other departments desperately need more money.  While the defense of the nation is very important, many question why schools and education are not given a larger portion of the budget so that proper job training can be administered.  This would enable students to graduate with a better understanding of the career world into more graduate-centric employment opportunities, such as those within the services sector.

Funding the budget is obviously never easy, but with taxes getting higher each year, there is nothing being done to increase the minimum wage at the national level.  Many citizens are left to stress over how they can possibly continue to pay their tax bill each year, still have enough money to live, and be able to take care of their families.  The budget crunch that many families face every day is very similar to the task of the politicians in dealing with the national budget, except it is the people on the front line facing the toughest decisions and fighting their daily battle.

Each year the department heads all gather together to bring their budget requests in.  They come with ideas of improving their departments and asking for more money.  The idea is that other departments can have some items cut from their expenses.  This is a decent concept, however dollar for dollar the government really does not do a good job of managing money very well.  Given that there are so many conflicting interests and political pressures, it is difficult to understand the logic behind some of the decisions made in relation to the budget.

If a business managed money the same way the government does, they would have gone bankrupt many years ago and been forced out of business, with the directors prosecuted for wrongful trading.  This is directly the result of much wasted spending that is sliding into the budget each year.  NASA, for example has spent thousands, upon thousands of dollars developing a pen that will write in space.  The idea of a pencil never crossed their minds.  The money spent developing a pen that is rarely used could have been better spent in training teachers so that students were receiving the education and materials they need.  Arguably, the idea of funding space exploration at a time when there is a budget deficit is also irrational; surely this money would be better spent elsewhere until we manage to pull ourselves from the red?

There are numerous cases and examples of money wasted throughout our public sector.  There are also just as many examples of departments forced to cut corners and skip necessary tasks, needs and maintenance, or putting essential work back until the next budget is announced, because it is not in the budget at a price they can afford.  There is always a hope that at some point in the near future that the United States will manage to pull out from under the deficit that it has created and restore itself to having a surplus budget.  It will take time, effort and a great deal of belt tightening to get there.  Nevertheless, it will happen at some point.  Frivolous spending can only last so long before coming to a halt, at which point we can start to increase our surplus to the benefit of our national and local public services, before finally seeing the lowering of taxes that we s disparately need.

Internet and Politics

In the past, political figures relied upon the news in the form of television stations and even newspapers to release information to the public, i.e. direct to the electorate.  Now with the invention of the internet, more political figures are releasing their own information.  How does this affect the release of information?  Does this add to the impact of law and government on society, or is this merely a direct root to brainwashing the public.  Furthermore, is it good to use political figures time releasing information when they should be enacting change?  In this article we will look at the relationship between the internet and politics, and whether the move towards more accessibility and greater personal accounting is beneficial to democracy and government.

The correct answers are never easy to find, however with some work, analysis and thought it is possible to come up with the right answer.  The right answer is there is no answer - isn't that horrific.  Each politician has different means of how comfortable they are on the internet.  Using the internet has allowed some to maintain a closer proximity to the people they represent, while others have used it as a means to avoid personal contact with the people.  Either way, the Internet is obviously a powerful campaigning tool, and most politicians seemed to have realized and utilized this within their own campaigns.

Many politicians are taking the internet and using it as a means of keeping a continuous stream of contact with the media, the people they represent, and everyone else.  The internet has allowed the political figures who use it the ability to quickly communicate with everyone whenever important information is available.  This makes them more accessible to the ordinary man in the street, which has never been possible through any other medium in the past.

Using the internet to communicate directly with people has improved the accuracy of the information that comes down in the political reigns.  Being assured of accurate information is why many prefer to receive the information directly from the lawmakers whom they elected.  Many times, it is possible to find the information in more detail online, and with less hassle and false facts.

Couple the increased communication with the fact that each day, millions log onto the internet and it makes it the perfect place for candidates to hone their campaign skills to help increase their visual image in the public eye.  Most voters want a political figure they can find easily so they are able to do research to find the candidate that they truly believe in without spending hours doing research.  Furthermore, the internet allows politicians to point their campaigns directly at a completely new demographic that had never before been tapped into.  This is unleashing a whole new generation of voters eager to make the difference, which is working wonders for the politicians involved, and of course their savvy communications managers.

Many voters have embraced the idea of being able to show support for their political parties from the comforts of their home over the internet.  Politicians are also enjoying the ability to quickly communicate and using various social websites as well as the websites for their offices to keep a good flow of communication open with voters.  With everything compiled it is a wonderful age, where the internet is able to bring politicians and voters much closer together, while still allowing the politicians to be in Washington, or where their office is performing their job.

With the ease of the internet, politicians are able to communicate with the public from anywhere, giving them more time to communicate greater amounts of information to the public, as well as be able to gather feedback from the public in regards to the wishes of the majority.  Overall, it is a wonderful time and a wonderful addition to the political world since the invent of the internet.

Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign

Who knew that the 2008 election would have the Democrats swinging two mighty powerful punches in such a short time frame? As a woman poised to run for the ascending Democrats, Hillary stands a chance of actually winning.  Is that the scary part, or is the scary part that she is running against the first black man to actually stand a chance of winning?  Clinton has hit the campaign trail hot and heavy working on building up her bank account for primary expenses and is busily planning her campaign.

People are left to wonder is Hillary Rodham Clinton going to be the first female president of the United States?  She has already lived in the White House before, and is fairly familiar with the job, but is the sting of having two members of the Bush family so close together going to be a bit too much for voters to tolerate with the Clinton family?  As a freshman, Senator Clinton made a very powerful impression and has performed particularly well for the state of New York.  Will Hillary be able to maintain this momentum through the election?  Moreover, will she garner enough support from within her own party to take the victory she so truly desires?

How well she can really perform as a President is the bigger question, and one which surely only time could answer.  While being a Senator and the President are both high profile jobs, is the nation ready to open their hearts, and minds, to a female President?  The country being led by a woman could be a huge step forward in women's rights, yet that is a gigantic step that this country may not be quite ready for.  With women pulling more jobs of power each year, females are rising to the top of their game, proving they are just as capable and competent as their male counterparts.

Stop and think, while the nation is poised to see a female running for President, how many other candidates names truly come to mind?  Very few, for the typical American. Hillary is a household name, who made a name for herself after stepping up to the plate to be a very involved First Lady who held her head high even with her personal life in chaos.  Many Americans understand and appreciate how well she managed to pull herself together and still set a stellar example for this country.  Her composure and rational approach has won her the utmost respect nationwide, which will undoubtedly contribute towards her performance next time around.

From the women previously in the White House, Hillary is truly one of the more rememorable.  Barbara Bush and Hillary both made a point of going out into the public, while the current Mrs. Bush, Laura tends to hide more from the public eye.  The number of times Laura has been out in public is minimal compared to the two former First Ladies who have graced the White House.

If we stop and look, America tends to be a much happier country when the First Lady is actively involved and makes herself well known.  Both politically and economically, the presence of a solid First Lady has a very positive impact on American society.  Consider as well, Hillary is the first First Lady of the United States who has run for a public office and been elected.  Consider this a major feat for the women of the country, add to that the fact that Mrs. Clinton has managed to be the first female Senator to be elected in New York and you have a very busy woman who loves the spotlight.

Should America be running scared, or standing tall as the events unfold?  Only time can tell for sure, but when dealing with the first Former First Lady to make a political name for herself, it is sure to be a very interesting election.

First Name


Conservative vs. Liberal

Many people do not really understand the difference between a conservative and a liberal.  How do you really know which side of the spectrum you fall on?  In this article, we are going to explain some of the differences, so that as political figures are discussing conservative and liberal ideals you know exactly what is going on.

The first side of the issue is the conservative side.  The conservatives tends to want to preserve things they way they are, for example they dislike change, and do not want things to change in the way the country is run, how people come into power, and how civil rights are handed out.  Conservatives appreciate in real terms the importance of building and maintaining the economy to the benefit of society as a whole.  Many conservatives are also considered to appreciate having an exclusive inner circle that controls the entire country, although in mainstream politics this is rarely a salient feature.

Many conservatives also live by the ideals that institutions that have been successful rather than dwelling on mistakes.  This has the effect of working towards improvement in efficiency, which is another key factor of Conservative thought.  Many conservatives do not think technology is our friend; they feel that technology should not be a part of government standards and ideas based on the inefficiency it brings.  Many conservatives are also very cautious people, which is reflected in the opinions and decisions of their politics.

Liberals on the other hand are very much different.  Most liberals are very open to change, almost to a fault; they do not mind the ideas of change as long as it is for a perceived good cause, even where there is no practical utilitarian upshot.  Liberals tend to be willing to take more risks than most conservatives are in the whimsical pursuit of change.  Most liberals are also very tolerant of behavior different from their own, as well as they are willing to open their minds to new ideas and concepts easier than the conservative counterparts.  Liberals also like to push for change without necessarily having a justification for their actions.

Liberals tend to be very progressively thinking people, whom are quite open to the new ideas of technology in terms of normal daily life, as well as in the role of assisting the government in managing the country to the best of our ability.  However, their emphasis on extreme individual freedom means a more distant form of governance that leaves society to regulate itself without much intervention.  This has led to numerous political and social problems for liberal governments across the world.

While there are some major differences in the two sides, there are also many people who fall somewhere in the middle.  Many people are able to pull their comfort zone from taking pieces of each side.  While some people are hesitant of change, they are able to accept change in order to make things better for everyone.  For example, women's rights were the result of change.  Many conservatives were against the ideals of women being allowed to vote.  On the flip side, some liberals are in favor of the legalization of drugs, and are wholeheartedly against government regulation in the way we live our lives.

While there are many differences in the ideals of the two groups, there is also a bond that forges from each side being determined to make life the best possible for the people in the areas with which they are concerned.  Neither side sets out to hurt the other side, nor the people they are responsible for helping.  There are times when the goals of both sides do come together nicely and result in wonderful progress for our cities, nation, and country as a whole.  Looking to the future, we can expect both sides to continue to change and progress as things change and the future becomes reality.

Children and Violence

How far does violence extend, how do we determine exactly who is responsible for the violence that children are seeing on television and in music.  What about video games, who is taking the responsibility for the violence and awful things that, are occurring right before the eyes of the youth today.  Many politicians are looking to eagerly blame the media and entertainment industry.  Is that the correct place to lay the blame?  Perhaps parents are the people ultimately to blame.

More parents today than ever before are working longer hours just to stay afloat financially.  This alone results in phenomenal numbers of children being left with a television as the babysitter in charge of teaching right from wrong.  How does a child learn the difference between right and wrong, when their parents are nowhere to be found?  Where does the parents' responsibility to parent a child and the governments' right to parent a child merge?

Does the government even have a right to parent children?  Should the government be allowed to determine what is appropriate for all children to watch, or should that be ultimately left up to the parents to decide on their own?  There have been television shows, movies, musical artists, and even books banned because the government does not approve.

Where is the line drawn in who controls what the children are watching?  Is it really up to the parents, or is it left to the children to decide on their own?  When did parents lose the ability to control what their child watches, and when did the parent become subject to the child's own opinion?  While some advances in technology have been wonderful, there is also much effort by the government to control what a parent does with their own child, and it is this more than anything that has caused controversy on a civil liberties basis.

There have been several inventions and developments that are able to help parents monitor their children; from the v-chip to programs that log instant messenger programs.
These developments are great for the parents looking to monitor their child themselves, but what about the music industry.  Most parents are constantly told that the violence their child is exposed to is the fault of the music industry.  The blame is placed on the singers and producers for releasing the music.

Much blame is placed everywhere but the parents for taking responsibility for their own children and determining what is best for them.  With politicians attempting to punish some area of the entertainment industry each time a national tragedy occurs, it puts a major crimp on the ability of parents to decide for themselves what is acceptable for their child and what is not.  Many are left to allow their child to choose from the options that are left, once the government has omitted the choices that are bad.

Is this censorship, or helping raise children?  Many seem to think it leans heavily towards censorship, a place the governments should not be treading.  Many others tend to feel that it should be a high priority of the government to protect everyone from something that can potentially be bad, without even giving people the option to make their own decisions.

The issue as to what extent the government should intervene with the way in which we live our lives is hotly contested, and it works in a much larger circle than just the control of our children.  Should the government take a step back, and allow society to use its freedoms and powers for self regulation, or is there a need for intervention to ensure the greater good and justice for the welfare of society as a whole?  For the time being, it seems as though the most pragmatic approach relates somewhere in the middle, although it will be interesting to see developments in this area over the coming years.

Jenny Craig for Dieting

When it comes to dieting and diet commercials I'm sure that many of you have seen the formerly "Fat Actress" Kirstie Allie singing the praises of Jenny Craig for helping her lose 75 pounds. While most of us would agree that this is quite an accomplishment there are many of us watching from home and thinking there is no way that little tiny pizza is going to make a meal.

Much like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig has experienced phenomenal success over the years and incredible longevity. Also like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig has shown an incredible ability to evolve and adapt to the varied and growing demands of consumers. Not everyone is content to enjoy tasteless boxed foods that were prepared for the sake of convenience rather than flavor and yet many would rather sacrifice the flavor in favor of something that didn't keep them in the kitchen too long and weaken their resolve to avoid the Rocky Road hiding in the freezer behind the ice trays.

Regardless of your desires, Jenny Craig is rising up to meet your demands. Not only can you order the pre packaged food through Jenny Craig that has made them famous but now they offer tried and true recipes on their website which allow you to try out your own culinary talents and fulfill your love of cooking. Yes, some of us actually do love to cook. Incidentally for many of us that is how the pounds became a problem.

Jenny Craig is an attractive dieting option because they offer multiple plans to suit different budgets. Far too many weight loss or dieting plans are one size fits all when it comes to budget despite their flexibility when it comes to pounds but that's a story for another day. Dieting is difficult enough on its own without adding financial worries when it comes to paying for the plan into the mix. This is perhaps one of the greatest features I've seen about Jenny Craig and that is saying a lot because they have plenty of other great features as well.

Jenny Craig is yet another weight loss plan that stresses the importance of the calories that must leave your body as well. It is important that you remember this as you incorporate any method of dieting and weight loss into your lifestyle. In order to achieve maximum success you absolutely must make the time in your schedule to exercise. The calories consumed are just as important as the calories that are taken in and that is something far too weight loss plans stress. Jenny Craig, fortunately, isn't one that fails to stress this crucial fact.

Dieting has almost become a bad word in our society. So many people are constantly on this diet or that diet only to find that they are failing time and again to achieve the results for which they were hoping. There are those who will not succeed with Jenny Craig just as there are countless others who will. The trick is in becoming a success story rather than one of the many who have given up and moved on to other dietary pastures. There are plenty of plans on the market from which to choose. The problem is often not the plan but your ability to stick with the plan for the long haul.

3 Hour Dieting

When it comes to the world of dieting you will find that there are many diet, weight loss, and fitness plans on the market. It takes years for some to become a contender and others remain a best-kept secret of sorts. One such 'best kept' secret would be the 3 Hour Diet that was designed by Jorge Cruise. I am sure that there are many reading along and chuckling under your breath that there is no way one can lose weight by eating every three hours however the science behind the theory is fairly common and Jorge Cruise is a mainstay in the fitness industry.

The long and short of this diet operates with the knowledge that if you do not feed your body accurately and regularly your body will go into what is called 'starvation mode'. In this mode your body holds onto the fat rather than burning it up and consuming it for use. This means that your body is burning muscle rather than fat to take the energy it needs in order to function.

With the 3 Hour Diet you will not feel hungry all the time, in fact, there are many who claim they are constantly setting alarms and reminding themselves to eat. You will also learn the proper foods to eat in order to achieve the best possible results. The key is in learning which foods are right for you when dieting with this plan. You can purchase the book The 3-Hour Diet by Jorge Cruise and you can sign up online for more information about the weight plan itself and how to incorporate it into your busy routine.

I do recommend purchasing the book if you are seriously considering this as your method of dieting as there are many wonderful hints, tips, and tricks that are mentioned in the book to help you keep things going no matter how busy and hectic your lifestyle may be. One thing you need to keep in mind is that dieting with a program such as this is no small commitment. You need to stick to the timetable as much as possible in order to achieve the results this plan is famous for. If you aren't willing to eat every three hours then this plan really may not be the plan for you.

Otherwise, if this is something you would be interested in, I highly recommend it. There are special considerations based on the amount you weight currently and the amount of weight you are hoping to lose. It is best if you are honest throughout the process in order to achieve the best possible and most immediate results. The claim is that you can lose as many as 10 pounds in the first two weeks and there are those that have claimed to do just that over and over again. This is a diet that even many celebrities endorse for quick and immediate results.

The good and the bad about 3 hour dieting is that it is effective but takes a very real commitment on the part of the one that is dieting. This diet is one that is taking the world by storm. If you haven't heard of it before now, please take the time to check it out and see if this is something you could incorporate into your life. The results that have been reported as a result of this diet as nothing short of phenomenal. If there were one diet I would recommend above others for those who hate feeling hungry, it would be this diet.
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Are you a career-oriented woman who also happens to be a parent?

Are you a career-oriented woman who also happens to be a parent?  If you are, you may be dealing with a number of different issues. Many women, just like yourself, find it somewhat difficult to balance having a career and a family.  While it is more than possible to do both, it can be overwhelming at times.

One of the many issues surrounding working mothers is that they do not know how to balance their time. Mothers who need to work or finish an upcoming project often do so, but they occasionally feel guilty about missing out on quality time with their children or their romantic partner.  It can also be the other way around, as well.  Many working mothers are afraid to, essentially, put their family first in certain situations, in fear of losing their jobs.  If these are issues that you have dealt with or if they are issues that you are currently dealing with now, you will want to continue reading on.

One of the many ways that you can go about balancing a family and a career is by setting aside time for both your family and your important career.  For instance, if at all possible, you will want to try and establish hours just for work or work related tasks.  If you have to work overtime, it is advised that you do so, especially if your job may be at risk.  That is often what is difficult for many mothers, when relying on their income, it can be fearful to put work second.  With that in mind, it is important that you leave work at work.  This gives you the opportunity to put your family first, especially when you are at home with them.

As with having set hours for work, it is also advised that you create a schedule for your family time as well. While your days don’t have to be planned out hour by hour, it is nice to at least develop a little schedule. This schedule could include days of the week when you may want to take a trip to the zoo with you children or days that you may want to spend visiting family.  By having your plans already made and in place, you are more likely to follow through with them.  Your family, including your children and your partner, will likely be pleased with this follow through.

Although raising a family is often associated with spending time with your children, that is not all that motherhood is about.  For that reason, you likely have a full plate.  That plate may include grocery shopping, the preparation of family meals, as well as house cleaning. To reduce the stress associated with many of these tasks, as well as give you more quality time to spend with you family, you may want to consider hiring assistance. Whether you choose to hire a professional housekeeper or a landscaper to mow your yard for you, this extra time may come in handy.

The above mentioned points are just a few of the many ways that you can go about balancing a career and a family. Although it may seem impossible to do right now, especially if you just recently got a new job or had your first child, it is more than possible for you have a great career, as well as happy and healthy family life at home

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Credit card Financial death trap for most with bad debt

Are you a married or do you currently reside with your romantic partner?  If you do, there is a good chance that money is always a concern of yours.  When two individuals are in a relationship, there are often issues that arise concerning money.  For some families, it is hard to get and stay on the same page, concerning finances. If at all possible, you will want to try avoid doing this, as it may not only harm your wallet, but your relationship as well.

One of the many problems associated with men and women, namely those who are in relationships is associated with checking accounts. In the United States, many checking accounts now come equipment with standard debit cards. While debit cards are a nice tool to have, they can cause many problems for some individuals.  Debit card purchases are not as easy to remember or record as traditional check writing purchases are. This is where many couples start to see discrepancies with their finances.

To prevent the above mentioned situation from occurring, it is important to make sure that you and your partner are on the same page. In fact, you may even want to take the time to establish some ground rules. These grounds rules may include not having a debit card at all or leaving it home at all times. If the debit card is used or a check is written for the joint account that you and your partner share, it is important that the person who used the account informs the other.  Communication is key to keeping your finances in check when having a joint checking account with your husband.

In addition to the improper use of debit cards or check writing, when using a joint checking account, there are many couples who have problems with one or both individuals just spending more money than they have.  This is often a problem with credit cards.  Credit cards, as you likely already know, are considered financial death traps, as they can cause so many problems.  For that reason, if you or your husband or your partner have any credit cards, it is advised that you sit down and discuss usage with them.  The best way to stay out of credit card debt is by limiting your use of them or at least your spending.  If spending is occurring, it is important that your partner knows about that spending and visa versa.

Since unnecessary spending is a problem for many couples in America, you may want to take the time to create a budget for your household. When doing this budget, it is important that you and your partner create the budget together.  This is how you two can both stay on the same page, with your finances.  A budget can account for all of the money that you and your partner have coming in, as well as all of the money that needs to be spent, like on rent, gasoline, or car insurance. This can give you an idea of exactly how much extra you and your partner have to spend each month or even how much you don’t have to spend.  As a reminder, be sure to create your budget with your husband or your partner.

If you are married, you may find yourself having a little bit more trouble with the money issues between you and your husband. What many individuals do not realize is that when they are married their financial mistakes also become the financial mistakes of their spouse.  This is what leaves many women, and sometimes even men, having a difficult time getting back on their feet after a divorce.  It is not uncommon for many divorced couples to declare bankruptcy after terminating their relationship.

To help prevent your marriage or your partnership from this trouble, you will want to keep all of the above mentioned points in mind.  Learning how to budget together, as a family, as well as properly use all bank accounts and credit cards is the best way to stay all on the same page.  Staying on the same page, when it comes to your finances, is the key to financial reassurance and possibly a happy healthy relationship with your husband or partner.

How do I fix my Credit?: Finances: How Your Debt Doesn’t Have to Be the En...

How do I fix my Credit?: Finances: How Your Debt Doesn’t Have to Be the En...: Are you a woman who is in debt?  Whether you have debt solely from attending college, from credit cards, old medical bills, or a combina...

Finances: How Your Debt Doesn’t Have to Be the End of You

Are you a woman who is in debt?  Whether you have debt solely from attending college, from credit cards, old medical bills, or a combination of them all, you may be scared, unsure, and frustrated.  In today’s society, with regularly rude calls from debt collectors, you may be feeling as if your debt is causing you to become insane.  Yes, it may seem like the end of the world, especially at first, but it is important to remember that your debt doesn’t have to the be the end of you.

As previously stated, a large number of debt-ridden women in the United States have problems with debt collectors calling at just about all hours, as well as having rude attitudes. The last thing that you will want to do is allow a debt collector to get you all worked up, no matter how they act or treat you.  If you feel that you cannot take it anymore, you do not have to.  At any point in time, when speaking to a debt collector, you can simply hang up the telephone.  More drastic approaches have been used by women including screening all telephone calls with the use of caller id or an answering machine.

Although you may not be interested in speaking with a debt collector, you may want to think about doing so.  Often times, you will find that debt collectors stop calling or at least reduce the number of calls that they place to you once they are able to at least speak with you. So, if you are feeling up to it, go ahead and answer that phone. Just be sure not to make any payment arrangements that you cannot keep. Also, be sure to check the statue of limitations in your state.  In some states, such as New York, the statue of limitations on when debt can be collected is six years.

Another one of the many reasons why debt is so stressful and such an issue for many women is because they feel helpless and hopeless when they are unable to pay their debt.  What you need to remember though is that there are always ways that you can go about working to pay off your debt, even if it is just a little bit at a time. It may seem silly, but paying off your debt, even if it is only twenty dollars here and there, is likely lessen the burden and stress that you currently feel.

If you would like to get out of debt, but you don’t know how, you may want to consider making an appointment with a debt reduction specialist or an accountant. While this professional assistance will cost you a little bit of money, upfront, it is well worth it for many women; women just like you.  That is because the professional assistance of debt reduction specialists and accountants may be able to help you get your life back on track.

Although the cost of seeking professional assistance is more than worth it, you may not necessarily have the money to spend. If that is the case, you can still work to get yourself out of debt and settle this stressful issue once and for all. What you are urged to do is examine your spending habits.  You may even want to record all of the purchases that you make during one weeks time. How many of those purchases can you live without, even just temporarily? As previously stated, paying off your debt, even in little increments, may be able to help reduce the stress often associated with unpaid debts.  So, even if you are only able to save two dollars on a soda each day, that should provide you with twenty dollars a week to put towards your debt.

In short, debt is an issue that many women must face and deal with each day. Although it may seem like it, debt doesn’t have to be the end of you, as outlined above.

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Finances: How to Pay Off Your Old College Debt ASAP

Are you a woman who has recently finished college?  If you have, your focus may be placed on entering the workforce, unless you are already employed.  While it is important to focus on work and improving your work performance, it is also important that you place a focus on the repaying of your college loans.  Unfortunately, many women who attend college later end up in debt due to the cost of it.  That why you are urged to start paying off your college loans as soon as possible.

When it comes to paying off student loans, many individuals wonder why they should get started with doing so right away.  Whether you just graduated one month ago or three years ago, there is a good chance that you have already received a bill requesting you to make a payment on your loan.  For many college lenders, this is common practice.  It seems as if you are expected to repay your college loan as soon as you graduate.  Unfortunately, many women, possibly just like you, are financially unable to do so.

While a large college loan bill may seem like an issue that can’t be solved at the moment, it is important that you do not just push it aside.  It is important to remember that loans, including college loans, have an impact on your credit.  Even if you are unable to make your full college loan payments as expected, you are advised to at least put a little bit towards your loan repayment each month.  In fact, even if you have yet to receive a bill requesting payment, it may be a good idea to start making payments anyways.  You can easily do this by contacting your loan lender for additional information.

One of the many reasons why so many recent college graduates have a difficult time making their college loan payments is because their life changes.  Many female college graduates need to not only find a job, but get their own apartment, condo, or home.  This is an expense that is costly all on its own, not to mention the added costs of furnishings, food, and utilities.  If this is a change that you recently had to make, you may want to sit down and make a budget for yourself.  The starting point of your budget should include all of the bills that you need to pay, like your rent or mortgage, auto insurance, food, utility bills, and gasoline to and from work.  These are expenses that you simply cannot avoid paying.

Once you have an idea of how much money you must spend each month, you can then calculate your monthly income by adding your weekly paychecks. What you will then want to do is determine the difference.  If you have any additional money left over, it is advised that you put as much of that money as possible towards the repayment of your college loan. Despite what you may believe, you don’t necessarily have to pay your monthly loan payment all at once. There are many financial lenders that will accept twenty dollars from you one week and fifty dollars from you another.  Often times, you will find that lenders just want their money, no matter how it arrives to them.

Although it is advised that you start making payments on your college loan as soon as possible, that time may have already come and gone.  If you have been out of college for at least five years, it may be time to consider alternative approaches.  If your loan lender is requesting payment in full, a payment that you cannot make, it may be an idea to consider applying for a debt consolidation loan. Although the last thing that you want to do is get another loan, your loan payments will be smaller to pay and this should be much easier for you.

If you are a female who has college debt that you need to repay, it is advised that you work towards doing so at every step in your life.  You should always think about the impact of dining out, when you have a debt to repay.  By letting your college loans go unpaid, they can reach the point where they are an issue that you can no longer run from.

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How do I fix my Credit?: Beauty Books: Are They Worth Your Money?

How do I fix my Credit?: Beauty Books: Are They Worth Your Money?: Are you interested in improving your appearance?  If you are, are you interested in learning what types of makeup is best for you, as we...

Beauty Books: Are They Worth Your Money?

Are you interested in improving your appearance?  If you are, are you interested in learning what types of makeup is best for you, as well as how to properly apply it?  If you are, you may have turned to the internet or to fashion magazines, but have you ever thought about buying a beauty book?  If you haven’t or even if you have, you may be wondering whether or not beauty books are really worth the money.
When it comes to determining whether or not beauty books are worth the money, there are a number of important factors that should be taken into consideration.  For instance, beauty books come in a number of different formats.  If you are looking for something in particular, like how to properly apply and remove makeup, you may be able to find a beauty book that specializes solely on those tasks.  Beauty books that are right to the point and contain the information that you are looking are the best and they are definitely worth your money.

In addition, when trying to determine if beauty books are worth the buy, you will want to individually examine each book that you are interested in buying. Books may cover the same topics, but the information inside of them may be presented in different ways. For instance, if you were looking to buy a beauty book that outlined the proper ways to apply makeup, you likely want to see drawings or pictures; right?  Just so you know, not all beauty guides contain detailed pictures or drawings.  That is why it is important that you learn as much as you can about a beauty book before deciding to buy one.

Although the beauty book or books that you would like to buy are important in determining if the book or books are the worth your money, so is the location in which you buy them from. You should know that beauty books can be found at an unlimited number of different locations. For starters, you can buy beauty books from your local bookstores, beauty supply stores, department stores, and fashion stores.  In addition to storefront locations, you can also buy beauty books from a number of online retailers.  You will want to think comparing prices first to ensure that you are getting the best deal or at least to make sure that you aren’t being overcharged.

If you are interested in buying a beauty book, but you are also on a tight budget, you may want to think about buying used books.  There are a number websites, including online auction websites, where you can buy used books, including used beauty books.  Also, if you like to attend yard sales or book sales, you may want to think about keeping your open for beauty books.  Yard sales, thrift stores, and online auction websites often allow you to get a used book for fifty or even seventy-five percent off the normal asking price.

The decision as to where you want to buy a beauty book from, as well as which book you would like to buy is yours to make.  With that in mind, however, it is important to make sure that you know exactly what you are buying.  Just buying a beauty book without skimming through the book first or reading online reviews is almost always a surefire way to be met with disappointment or even end up wasting your money.

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